Wednesday, March 19, 2014


DJANGO A Tarantino movie...written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. That says it all. Torture, superfluous killing and quirkiness in a western. If you hated KILL BILL don’t see this one. I can see a parallel plot with Uma Thurman’s “Bride” and Jamie Foxx’s “Freeman” where the downtrodden-victim trains with the master to overcome evil but not without plenty of gratuitous violence and gore before he triumphs. Watch out for projectile bleeding, blood-splattered walls, and attack dogs tearing a man apart. For Tarantino fans there are bizarre occurrences, events and dialogue inconsistent with history. There is humour and black comedy. You will see snowman shooting practice, bad guys painting a birdhouse, Ku Klux clan with ill-fitting hoods, sunglasses in the wrong century and a bad-ass hero choosing to wear aqua-satin britches. And how odd is a German-speaking slave or an evil plantation master whose property is named Candyland? Tarantino creates a good guy-German dentist (Christoph Waltz), a cold-blooded killer who helps Foxx (Freeman) rescue his wife. This movie is long. I’m surprised he didn’t split it into parts as he did with KILL BILL. Since the Hobbit and Skyfall are equally long, perhaps Tarantino decided he would stick with the agenda. Django is not Tarnatino’s best but hey, if you like his style go for it!

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