Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Psychic speaks the truth

I entered Lynn-the-psychic's office with my friend, Jane. Lynn looked up. “Ahh-hh.” Her eyes focused on a spot above my head.
Puzzled I extended my hand.
She shook it. “Ana,” she breathed. (My friend’s name is Jane…she got that right 50-50 odds, right)
“Come in,” she motioned. “You must have been wondering why I was staring. I was in awe. You saw 7 angels and a golden arch.”
I thought maybe the arch was like a park bench for the angels. Or were the angels eating at McDonalds? What were the angels for? I’m not a religious-type person.
“You have a black jaguar. He walks with you.”
Call me crazy but I already knew that. Had she said rabbit, I wouldn’t have felt so elated. Under Chinese horoscope I am the lowly bunny—sweet and cuddly.
“The jaguar is with you all your life.”
Cool. Jaguars are dangerous. I liked that.
“You must ask your angels for things. They will do things for you.”
Even fame and money?
“They said yes…even fame and money?”
OMG…she read my mind! I thought angels didn’t deal with that sort of thing. "Do other people have angels?"
“Most people have 3 or less angels. You’ve built up your angels through the years. They come when you’ve survived dangerous situations.”
Yes, I survived two attacks and three car accidents…that’s 6 angels…oh yes, and one terribly nasty man. That makes 7.
“I see...Two men for you…one’s not your usual choice but he’s cuddly and passionate. The other is a gorgeous Latino and he’s all passion. He’s the back up man.”
Wow…my luck was turning. . (love those Latinos) Passionate hotties! Something to look forward to.
“The arch...Next year…you will be recognized.”

I sure hope so. I’ve been wandering around cyberspace with people calling me Sylvia Brown. Remind me to delete that picture, please.
My psychic is a native woman. They say they see more. I think they do. I had a UK psychic do a reading two years ago. Lynn spoke three times as fast and completely filled up the tape she gave, charged 1/3 the price and gave me hotties, fame and money and lots of advice. She was worth it. At least I walked off with a smile on my face. How about you? Ever try it or do you read your own cards?
Mystery-Romance Author (Kick-ass Adie Sturm follows her instincts when it comes to men and murder)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

ha..i followed you home from my friend sommers blog...:-)